Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Both my husband and I are on medication....do we have to have a letter from our doctor or just our script with us?

We don%26#39;t surf so no boogie boards with us :(



I had a letter from my doctor when we went in April. I didn%26#39;t have to show it anywhere but its better to have than not too.



Hi PennyAnn my wife and i both had doctors letters for our medications last year =not that we where ever asked for it in Phuket Or Singapore but we played it safe and it was not until we arrived in Perth that customs asked us about Medications =but we did still not have to show them our letters=== so get them done you never know

Have fun =Pete48

Hi PennyAnn50

I too took a doctors letter with me and didn%26#39;t have to show it at all but was questioned about the medications at Sydney airport but not at Bangkok or Phuket airports. Some airlines have strict guidelines re medicaitons so it is best to check with your airline. Qantas are very strict as we are finding out at the moment.

You are always better to be prepared with a letter so your holiday gets off to a good start.

Our Doctor had a generic letter in his computer,and just tyed in our names.All our medications automatically printed out on a letterhead and he said carry one copy each and keep one copy in our luggage.Simple.

Its good to have the letter in case you need to see a doctor for any reason while your way. I know the time my hubby had to see a Dr he appreciated that we had a list of medications and a small history of his health. We travel every year and have never been asked about his medications yet. Its wise to carry a script in case something happens to your tablets. Bez

It%26#39;s good to have such a letter - just for your own piece of mind. I have a friend who goes to his home country twice a year and brings back huge quantities of a medication that is not available here.

As he is old(er) - like me - the few times he has had his bags examined all he had to was say, ';stomach trouble'; - the customs people laughed and he went on his way.

Nothing to worry about - customs people are humans too - and they fully understand that people beyond their teens often need a little help in living life more comfortably.

All the same - a letter will help you NOT worry.

Hi There,

I agree with everyone above. When we travel we always take a letter and have never had to show it, but our DR said he has had phone calls from customs people from all over the world so it is a good idea to have the letter.


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