Hi all, my wife and I booked a holiday in samui about five month ago .We booked the Muang Samui Spa partly bassed on past reviews from people saying how great the place is.But lately some of the reviews are saying the Muang is becoming a bit dodge with over booking and bad service.We have a one year old ,so the revievs saying there seem to be loads of mozzies in the streams in the gardens are worrying us slightly.Could anyone with childern or not ,that has been to this wonderful looking resort lately please pass on your thoughts
Mozzies ??
We stayed in the Regent just further down and had the same problems with the mozzies. There will be a fair few of them about and i got bitten more times than i can count in the first few days. But, i bought some decent repellent and put it on in the evenings and i was fine after that. I also bought a mosquito repellent for the room which helped a lot. If you are careful i%26#39;m sure you%26#39;ll be fine.
Mozzies ??
sorry dont know about your hotel but ...
try taking vitamin b complex tablets for about two weeks before you travel and whilst you are there the mozzy cant stand the smell so you are less likely to get bitten !
usually works for me and i alweays get badly bitten
thanks guys ,thought it would be the same everwhere,spray em and thats about it ,have a good day
buy rour insect repellent when you out there as youll save quite a bit of money.look for a repellent which contains deet.
whilst dinning in the evenings give your ankles a good coating of repellent as they seem to love hanging out under tables waiting for their next meal.
also buy yourself a small pot of tiger balm and if you do get bit this will stop the itching.
thanks tag,tiger balm ,I haven%26#39;t heard of that one before to stop the itching,we%26#39;ll give it a go, it will be helpful here in Aussie as well
You will see tiger balm for sale all over...........you may smell it before you see it. LOL
hi you can get a plug in with insect repellant pouches. leave it on in you room especially at night. when eating out ask the staff to light a repellant stick and put it under your table and keeps them away. you can also buys these in all the shops, just stick one on an empty bottle and let it burn all night, i found these better than the plug in really. also buy a fly/bug spray and spray the rooms at night. I was eaten alive but my bites must have given me allergic reations cause they really swelled up and ran for days, i took antihistamines as well. the rest got bit and it didnt really bother them too much, we tried everything, washing every time with lemon soap and shampoo (fantastic stuff at the LUSH, non of their stuff has chemicals or perfumes, its all natural) and taking garlic tablets everyday, not sure which of these worked it might have been worse without any of the things we did, its just best to try them all, at the same time if you can, tiger balm is a good idea, and it smell nice it comes in little pots. try to avoid strong smelling deodorants and perfumes and suncreams as this attracts them, go for natural stuff if you can
have a fab holiday
thanks guys or your help ,I';m sure we';ll have a great time
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